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Home Audio-Software plug-ins TDM / RTAS / AU / VST DUY

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DUY SynthSpider

DUY SynthSpider

DUY SynthSpider is an amazing Modular synthesizer for TDM systems. Totally comatible with Mix and HD systems, DUY SynthSpider allows users to create their own sounds. Plenty of presets are provided.

DUY EverPack for RTAS/Audiosuite

DUY EverPack for RTAS/Audiosuite

DUY EverPack includes 5 excellent plug-ins for RTAS and Audiosuite: DUY Z-Room reverb, DUY DaD Valve, DUY Shape, DUY Wide and Max DUY. This is the perfect solution for any M-Box or Digi001 users.

DUY Analog Bundle

DUY Analog Bundle

Famous for its capabilities of warming up any kind of sound, DUY's Analog Bundle includes DUY DaD Tape, a renowned tape simulator, and DUY DaD Valve, an impressive tube simulator. For TDM.

DUY Global Bundle

DUY Global Bundle

This is the ultimate solution for any TDM-based studio. DUY Global Bundle includes 6 amazing TDM plug-ins, useful for any kind of recording. These plug-ins are DUY ReDSPider, DUY DaD Tape, DUY DaD Valve, DUY Shape, DUY Wide and Max DUY.



"The Plug-in creator". DUY's DSPider is the tool for sound designers to create their own plug-in processors!! It also includes over 200 loadable and modifiable presets which feature compressors, limiters, reverbs, equalizers, Pitch effects, etc...



"The Plug-in library". DUY's ReDSPider is a reader version of DSPider. This means you can use over 200 different plug-in effects for TDM, such as synth effects, compressors, limiters, reverbs, equalizers, Pitch effects, etc...

Copyright (c) 2010 by Markus Dinter, Kerpen, Germany http://www.computer4music.de.

